On October 22, 2013, columnist Tom McCarthy, writing for the Washington Post, wrote a blog on the Washington Post website entitled: Richard Cohen’s reverse on Snowden: not a ‘traitor’, but a whistleblower.
McCarthy reports that Richard Cohen, also columnist for the Washington Post, said that last June, he, Cohen, had written that Snowden will “go down in history not as a whistleblower but ‘as a cross-dressing Little Red Riding Hood’ who is ‘ridiculously cinematic’ and ‘narcissistic.’”
On October 16, 2013, Molly Ball, a staff writer covering national politics at The Atlantic, posted a blog on their website entitled: Republicans shut Down the Government for Nothing.
Ball reports: “The GOP will actually get less out of the final deal being brokered than the party would have gotten had House conservatives never staged their revolt on Obamacare. In fact, the drama is likely to end with Republicans ceding policy concessions to Democrats.”
On October 09, 2013, Calvin Woodward and Jennifer Agiesta wrote on HUFF POST website POLITICS, which was posted on October 12, 2013, the day of this writing, an article entitled: Government Shutdown Blamed On Republicans: Poll.
Keeping in mind the ongoing poll assessment is a very fluid gauge of how Americans feel about their governmental shutdown, nevertheless, it is obvious they feel the Republicans are primarily to blame for the shutdown.
Woodward and Agiesta report that “Overall,
On September 30, 2013, reporter Roger Simon wrote an outstanding political column on the website POLITICO entitled: The frauds on the Hill target Obama. He begins his column by raising the question, “Who are these people? Of what are they made that they can say and do such things on the floor of Congress? No nonsense is too great, no act too low.”
Just those introductory remarks alone set the stage for what follows,