Who suffers when our national integrity is abused by our elected politicians? Each citizen, aside from the politician who has violated his or her promise to protect and support the “We, the People” Country’s bible, our Constitution.
There’s a plethora of examples that could be found at any time, where at least one or more of our esteemed (?) politicians have committed some type of malfeasance that has violated the intent and aim of writing the Constitution in the first place.
National Shooting Sports Foundation Fights Gun Control from Newtown
On January 24, 2013, Michael Daly, a special reporter for the daily beast.com website posted an article entitled National Shooting Sports Foundation Fights Gun Control From Newtown.
Daly writes, “Minutes from the scene of the Sandy Hook massacre, a leading gun-industry trade association is rallying against those ‘seeking to destroy the Second Amendment.’”
I really take exception toward “leading gun-industry trade association” members stating those seeking stricter gun legislation are doing so because they are trying to “destroy the Second Amendment.”
On November 27, 2012, Doug Bandow wrote an article on the Freeman website, entitled, THE FUTURE BELONGS TO LIBERTY, Indivisible Liberty: Personal, Political, and Economic.
In Bandow’s article, he said, “…when it comes to economic liberty, a lot of people suddenly change their tune. It’s as if economic liberty doesn’t count. Indeed, this facet of freedom seems to stand alone, vulnerable to state regulation and control.”
We have to ask ourselves why the regulation happened in the first place?
One of the main reasons I feel so passionate about encouraging you, dear reader, to become interested in my psychologically based book What Would Our Founding Fathers Say?: How Today’s Leaders Have Lost Their Way is because I feel this is the last great hope that we can get ourselves out of this morass our country has found itself in.
Basically, the reason we’re in this mess is because our two political parties are unwilling to compromise,
In Jim Galloway’s blog, Political Insider, as referenced above, he states: “Republicans want to be a party for every American in every neighborhood in every state. That’s why we must end the practice of labeling states red and blue. That’s why we must build relationships in communities where we haven’t been. That’s why we must stop talking about ‘reaching out’ and start working on ‘welcoming in.’”
Although I differ with Galloway as to why “labeling states” as red and blue must go,
I just heard on TV that there’s not expected to be a ban on the use of assault weapons or the number of rounds allowed to be used in a magazine clip this year, the news coming just after learning that our first lady, Michelle Obama, had attended the funeral of Hadiya Pendleton, who sang at the presidential Inauguration, and who was shot and killed in a gang-related gun violence in a park close to the Obamas’ home on Chicago’s South Side.
Last week I posted a blog about a Time magazine article regarding President Abraham Lincoln. I briefly glanced at the article a woman was reading at the YMCA Senior Center. I thought I knew the title and some of the content of the article based on my very cursory scanning of the article. Not only was the title incorrect, but the content was erroneous as well. Instead of the title being What Would Lincoln Have Done, the title was actually What Would Lincoln Do?